I have been getting my house decked out for Christmas and getting a few projects finished up for the season.
I love seeing the house all cozy and Christmasy, but it can be a lot of work! My kids love to help, which seems nice, but lets face it, it can easier to just do it yourself!
Remember these old stumps?
They have finally dried out and I have done something with one....
I was inspired last year by this post from Karen at The Art of Doing Stuff. I roughly followed her guidelines and now I have my very own tree stump in the house. In this part of Alberta, tree stumps of this size are not easy to come by! I had to source mine from north of Edmonton...
It is peeled and sanded and has several coats of poly on it too. I am thinking about adding some legs ~ a friend suggested some castors and I think I like that idea even better! In the meantime....
My standard puppy picture! Isn't she cute!
I wish I could remember where I saw the idea for my next home project... I read a version of it somewhere!
As I often visit thrift stores, old wood bowls and candle holders and things like that are a fairly common find. How to repurpose them?
I used GOOP and glued the candle holders to the bowls.
After letting it set and dry, I spray primed the whole unit. I then sprayed each piece with a glossy grey that I had on hand and *voila*, a pedestal bowl!
I don't think this is food safe, but it so nice for adding height and interest to a mantle or table.
Each little pedestal was only a few dollars and looks unique.
I found a sofa table a few weeks ago on kijiji and I could not pass it up.
Typically honey coloured and dated, but so solid and with lovely lines. I brought it home and it fit so perfectly against a wall by my couch that I decided to keep it for now. I painted it a dark taupey grey and fell even more in love with it. I had visions of doing a beautiful seasonal display on it... This vision was dashed by the arrival of not one, but TWO Lego advent calendar for my kids. My husband thoughtfully bought them each one (Star Wars and City ~ complete with poor Yoda in a Santa suit no less). These suckers take up a LOT of room, so now we have a lovely spot to very prominently display them.
I will try again at Easter.
In other news, I am very excited about the arrival of my stamp with my new logo on it. I have been stamping everything in sight!
I have a few commissioned pieces to finish up before Christmas. I have promised my family to take some time "off" with them so I will be back to more regular posts and sale items in January.